

(blogs let others gawk)

October 17, 2008

Why don’t I post more, why start now?

Filed under: General — Bryan @ 1:09 am

Well, here’s the deal. I actually used to write a pseudo blog from 1999-2006 over on the Game Zero news page. Most of my comments where about gaming news that I felt deserved some special call out, while other posts were just some general banter.

The software used to manage it was a posting tool that I wrote with the help of my wife in REXX (under OS/2) back in 1996 that I kept swearing I was going to someday cleanup and turn into a full blow proper distro to share with others. Of course the spare time never materialized and in 2006 when we finally turned down the last OS/2 server and migrated to Linux, that was that.

I originally played around with some blogging software called Pivot which I set my wife up to use on her site. But, I eventually ran into too many problems that couldn’t be resolved and I started shopping something else. I spent several months evaluating all of the various blogging applications with the key items being free (as in beer), ease of install/maintenance, community support and features. In my mind WordPress met all of these in spades. Plus, there was an easy migration between Pivot and WordPress, and there we are. I also moved my employers blogging to WordPress as well. I had started them out on Pivot, then we moved the company over to Blojsom under OSX Server 10.4 (which looked great on paper but turned out to be a dead end when Apple abandoned the software in the upgrade to Server 10.5). So, WordPress won out here as well and the Apple servers were out the door.

So with that done, I circled back to me.

My biggest challenge with blogging for me comes from my understanding of the three P’s of internet content authoring. Privacy, Personas and Persistence. I’ll cover these in my next post.

But needless to say I’ve gone ahead and set up my new pulpit here off of my personal homepage and here you are reading it 🙂



  1. the only good linux is a dead linux.

    Comment by pez d spencer — October 24, 2008 @ 1:05 pm

  2. Linux has it’s place in the server market, although if you’re just talking desktop market, then I would agree 😛

    Comment by Bryan — October 29, 2008 @ 1:37 pm

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