

(blogs let others gawk)

June 16, 2009

Palm Pre gut shot…

Filed under: Technology Rant — Tags: , , , , — Bryan @ 6:00 am

Just got my Pre and initial reaction… Awesome phone. Definitely a 1.0 software release though.

Classic mode is a lie though, it’s does not come with the phone and it’s $30 (are you kidding me?) to use it for more than a seven day test period. It’s totally useless. If you are heavily invested into your Palm Desktop don’t count on using it with this phone. I had initially planned to migrate Memos, Contacts, etc… as a crutch until I got the hang of the new system. Hah, joke’s on me.

Back to the Pre itself, I have have two hard-core complaints:

  • Memo migration? Let’s see, I had over a hundred memos all carefully categorized, now they’re one big endless scrolling mess on one page in no particular order. That was useless, thanks guys!
  • Contact list… No categories?!?!?! WTF! That would have been worth a 30-day delay to make sure it was implemented at launch. Seriously.

So until they fix these last two items my Treo 755p (now with the phone portion disabled since I moved it to my Pre) is still a staple of my pocket clutter.

Not a happy camper. Optomistic, but not happy.