:/:                                           :\:
:\:      Pirate Fiction # 1: Future Shock     :/:
:/:                                           :\:
:/:                                           :\:
:\:      Not reccomended for pirates under 13 :/:
:/:      years of age (Who would probably get :\:
:\:      so shaken up, they'd go cry and      :/:
:/:      turn themselves into the nearest     :\:
:\:      fed...)                              :/:


     James Levy, Chairman/CEO Activision Inc., is elected President of the
United States of America. Promising lower taxes, social reform, deficit
reductions, deflation of inflation, and a strong defense program, he wins
the election by a landslide over Walter Mondale, who promised to keep the
White House clean, and inprove relations with Western Borneo.


     "This is Jennie Bonbons at the White House. It has just been learned that
president James Levy, former Chairman of the software company 'Activision', 
will put all other campaign promises on hold, to deal with what he calls, 'The
biggest crisis to hit the U.S.A. since the break up of the Doobie Brothers,
Software Piracy!'. In other news it has been learned that Donald Duck has died
of AIDS at the age of 54. Mickey Mouse was not available for comment..."


     Response to the Presidents unpresidented desicion pours in from around
the world:

Lord British: An excellent idea! Good man that Levy...

Ronald Reagan: Well, personally i think the man's a nut!

Soviet Leader Gorbachev: What about our summits?!

Western Borneo President Ima Prezofameaninglesslittleisland: I like Mondale...

Typical American Jon Smith: Whats software?


     Levy puts into affect the following laws:

1.Anyone suspected of software piracy will be sentenced to death, and a 25$ 
2.Anyone caught 'Phreaking' will be forced to pay for the calls they have 
made, including a $2,998,678.23 fine, plus life imprisonment.
3.Anyone turning in a pirate will be made a cheif of staff to the whitehouse,
and become an official member of the Activision Fan Club.


     Gadget Master,The Talisman,The Shiek,Disk Jockey,The Hitman,The Wardon,
The Gonif. All on the long list of piracy busts.


     Vice President John Doe enters the Oval office. "Sir, the people are 
growing angry sir. You have totally ignored your duty's as president!". "Yes,
I know John, but these people are out there copying my overpriced, sloppy bits
of code we at activision like to call software!". "But Sir, you must listen
to reason. You have other duty's! There is talk of impeachment!". "Yes, I know
that also John, but i've already killed 600 people for violations of 
meaningless (C)opyrigth laws, and it feel's so good! Soon i'll be able
to raise software prices to even more outrageous prices! By the way, did
you send a free demonstration of my latest software marvel, 'Blank Disk Maker'
to the Soviets as a gesture of Goodwill?". John Doe looks down, and says,"Mr.
Gorbachev send that if he ever recieved another useless piece of plastic
from you he would 'Spit in your scum ridden face'. He's quite mad about you
skipping the Summits to persecute inicent teenagers.". "Yes, well always did
think that man was batty! Doesnt know a good initializer when he see's one!"


     "John? ".
"Yes Mr. President? "
"I've decided i'm letting these little boogers get off to easily. We will now
round them up and put them in Pirate Concentration Camps. I have also decided
to start an organization called N.I.P.P.L.E. 'No Illegal Phreaks or Pirates 
can Legally Exist.'! 
"Thats nice sir. Now theres that issue about the Cubans invading Florida..."
"Don't bother me with such trivial details! I am working on a program. It's
called 'Text File Maker'. Ingenious, eh?"


      "Come in John...."
"Thank you sir. I have some good news and bad news Sir. The good news is that
the Army has retaken Florida from the Cubans."
"Who authorized such a hostile action, John?"
"I did Sir..."
"The Army is too be watching the Pirate Concentration Camps! Those Pirates are
ruthless suckers! I'm afraid i cant give you a free copy of Activisions newest
technological break through: 'Text Graphics Poster Maker' because of what you
have done!"
"The bad news is that you are to be dragged through the streets and beaten for
your total disregard for the well being of the U.S.A., then you are to be
shot at dawn of the following morning."
"But, if I am dead, who will be around to persecute millions of law abiding
American's for copying my overpriced, underprogrammed cheap pieces of 
worthless plastic we call at Activision call software!?"
"No one sir. Thats the point. You are obviously a deranged idiot, and you
must be exterminated."
"Well what of the N.I.P.P.L.E. and the Pirate Concentration Camps?"
"You were the only member of N.I.P.P.L.E. and the Camps have all been 
"So the Pirates are free?!"
"Yes sir, they are. Now come along like a good blooming idiot and go with 
these 20 nice pirates who will escort you to the street so they and others
can beat you. Meanwhile i will abolish all your silly laws, and try to repair
the damage you have already caused, and get the country back to normal. 
If it werent for pirates, there would be no good programmers in the world,
because pirates grow up to be wealthy software writers, and couldn't care
less who pirates there software, because there are alway plenty of people to
buy the original's. You see...You are the only person truly upset over piracy
these days, because you are a greedy,selfish,ignorant being. Good day sir."


"Please John! dont do this to me. I'll give you a life time subscription to
our magazine, "Activision Magnificent Break Throughs In Outdated Technology"!
"No than you sir...Goodbye..." "Take the bum away...."